What is the Half Sun Betta Fish? Overview & Care Guide

The half sun betta fish is a fascinating betta variety.

It’s created through selective breeding of halfmoon bettas and crowntail bettas. This results in a betta with a unique tail, fan-like shape, and crowning.

Betta enthusiasts and newcomers alike admire this variety for its striking appearance. 

Keep reading to learn what a half sun betta is, how to care for one, and more. 


half sun appearance

The most distinctive feature of this variety of betta fish is its tail. Like the halfmoon betta, its tail is fan-like in appearance.

However, rather than being a smooth arc, the tail has crowning at the end. This might put one in mind of the sun. 

Half sun bettas come in a variety of beautiful and vivid colors. Popular color options include black and white.

But you’re more likely to find more common colors — such as red, orange, blue, and turquoise — at your local betta vendor. 

Unique Differences 

Half suns are arguably one of the most beautiful betta fish types. 

One unique difference about this betta is its tail: It’s in the same 180-degree spread as a halfmoon betta’s but features exquisite crowning. 

Also, this betta variety is known for being difficult to breed. It’s common for the betta fry to lack tail crowning, as the breeding pair and conditions must be just right. 


The average lifespan of a half sun betta is from 2 to 5 years. 

Extend the life of your fish by taking proper care of it. This includes performing water changes, feeding it a varied diet, and watching it for signs of disease.

Additionally, your betta may live longer with reduced stress levels. Ensure the proper tank setup and give your betta plenty of hiding places.

Average Size

Half sun betta fish can grow up to 3″ inches in length. Generally, male bettas grow to be larger than female bettas.

Help your betta reach its full size potential through a varied diet rich in protein. 

Half Sun Betta Care

Learn how to care for your half sun betta fish with the guide below. 

Tank Size

The minimum tank size for a single half sun betta is 5 gallons. However, we recommend starting with at least 10 gallons since bettas are very territorial. 

For community or sorority tanks, you’ll want a larger tank size than this. For example, sorority tanks should typically be from 15 to 30 gallons. 

Water Parameters

This variety of betta fish needs specific water conditions to thrive: 

Ideal Water Parameters for a Betta Fish Tank Include the following:

  • Temperature: 78-80° degrees Fahrenheit (25.5-27° C)
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Ammonia and Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Nitrate: < 40 ppm
  • gH: 3-4 dGH (50-66.7 ppm)
  • kH: 3-5 dKH (53.6-89.4 ppm)
  • Minimum Tank Size: 5 Gallons

Also, keep the ammonia and other toxin levels as close to zero as possible. Ammonia buildup decreases water quality and can make your fish sick. 

What To Put In Their Tank

Proper tank setup is crucial to helping your betta thrive. Here are some things to include: 

Substrate or Gravel

Put a layer, about 1″ inch deep, of substrate or gravel on the bottom of the tank. Opt for neutral colors, as brighter colors increase stress and aggression levels in bettas.

Tank Filter

Install a tank filter to help clean and oxygenate the water. 

Bettas thrive in aquarium environments free of ammonia and other toxins. A filter achieves this by pulling in, filtering, and releasing the water back into the tank. 

Betta fish also do best in oxygenated water due to their labyrinth organ. The water movement caused by the filter helps increase oxygen levels. 

Ensure to use a low-flow filter, as this poses less danger to your betta. Stronger filters may damage your betta’s fins if they get too close to it. 

Tank Heater

Like other betta varieties, the half sun betta needs warm water temperatures to thrive. 

Buy a tank heater to ensure water temperatures remain adequately warm and stable.

It’s important to use the appropriate-sized tank heater.

An aquarium heater should provide 3-5 watts for every gallon of water.

So for a 10-gallon tank, you need a 30-50 watt heater.


Since betta fish are used to the sluggish waters of Southeast Asia, they enjoy shallow, planted tanks. 

If you choose to include aquarium plants, you have two options: live plants or fake plants. 

There are numerous live plant varieties to consider for betta tanks: 

  • Anacharis
  • Anubias
  • Java fern
  • Java moss
  • Amazon frogbit 
  • Water sprite

If you choose to include fake plants instead, avoid plastic ones. They will likely have sharp edges, which may damage your betta’s fins. 

Instead, opt for those made from safer materials, such as silk. 


There are numerous types of decorations available for betta aquariums.

Decorations can both improve the tank’s aesthetic and keep your betta’s stress levels low. 

Keep your half sun betta happy by including decorations with hidey-holes.

Bettas are territorial, and having access to hiding spots keeps aggression levels at bay. Also, consider buying a betta hammock, which is a special place for your betta to rest and destress. 

When shopping for decorations, ensure they’re made from safe materials and don’t feature toxic paint. Toxins can leech into the water, decreasing water quality and making your fish sick. 

Possible Diseases

half sun betta diseases

Like other betta types, half sun bettas are prone to the most common freshwater fish diseases. Here are a few of the most common diseases and parasites to watch for:

  • Dropsy
  • Swim bladder disease
  • Columnaris
  • Ich
  • Popeye
  • Fin and tail rot
  • Flukes
  • Anchor worms

Keep your betta fish healthy by keeping the water clean. Also, feed your betta a balanced diet and check with a vet at the first sign of illness. 

Food & Diet

Half sun bettas need a balanced and varied diet high in protein. We recommend feeding your betta a variety of food types for the best results: 

  • Live food: This option allows your betta to feed according to its natural instincts. Live foods are also very high in protein and other essential nutrients. However, it tends to be more expensive and difficult to handle. 
  • Frozen food: Feeding your betta frozen food is a bit more affordable and hassle-free. It still provides your betta with plenty of nutrients and makes a nice once-in-a-while meal.
  • Freeze-dried food: This is an even more affordable and convenient option while still offering ample nutrition.
  • Pellets and flakes: These are the most popular betta food types. They’re affordable, hassle-free, and readily available at most pet stores. Most bettas seem to prefer pellets over flakes, but both offer specialized betta nutrition. 

Feeding your betta a combination of these food types will help it receive the most balanced nutrition. This will, in turn, keep your betta healthy and flourishing.

Behavior & Temperament

The half sun betta has a comparable temperament to other betta fish varieties, including Betta splendens.

Betta fish tend to be rather aggressive and territorial. This means it’s important not to house two male bettas together, as they will fight each other.

It also makes it imperative to give your betta a large enough tank and plenty of hiding spaces.

Usually, bettas do okay in community or sorority tanks. But be cautious about the tank mates you choose, and opt for those with low aggression levels. 

Here are some common signs your betta is dealing with elevated stress or aggression levels: 

  • Flashing behavior
  • Excessive hiding
  • Fin, tail, or bodily injuries
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lethargy

If you notice any issues, keeping your betta in its own separate tank may be necessary. Some betta fish simply do better when housed alone.

Tank Mates

This betta species usually do well in community tanks. However, it’s essential to choose tank mates carefully. 

Here are just a few great options to consider:

  • Shrimp
  • Snails
  • Tetras
  • Corydoras
  • Plecos

After adding tank mates to your betta aquarium, watch closely for any signs of aggression. 

If you notice any issues, it may be necessary to keep your betta in its own separate tank.

See our detailed guide for a detailed list of great betta tank mates.


half sun betta breeding

Half sun betta fish are more difficult to breed than many other types of betta fish.

This variety is created by mating a halfmoon betta with a crowntail betta. In many cases, the offspring of this betta pair will not feature the desired tail crowning. 

For the best results — and for the safety of your bettas — it’s best to save breeding for the professionals. 

Mating Process

Like Betta splendens, half sun bettas are bubble nesters. This means the male builds a bubble nest to impress the female and protect the fertilized eggs.

Here’s a brief snapshot of what the domestic betta mating process looks like: 

  1. The male betta creates a bubble nest in a separate breeding tank to impress the female. The nest will be near the water’s surface, where there is sufficient oxygen access. 
  2. If she is impressed, the female betta will undergo physical changes to indicate readiness to mate. These changes include the development of vertical stripes and a more prominent egg spot. 
  3. The male and female betta will engage in a mating dance. This involves the two bettas twirling and twisting around each other. During the dance, the female releases eggs, and the male fertilizes them. 
  4. Afterward, the male betta places the fertilized eggs in the bubble nest. Remove the female from the tank at this point. The male will guard the eggs, and he may attack the female if she’s left in the tank.
  5. Once the fry hatch, remove the male from the tank. The fry do not receive parental care after hatching. 

It’s important to take proper care of the fry, especially in terms of diet. Check out our article at the link for more info.


On average, a single male half sun betta will cost around $20. 

The price may vary based on the health and coloration of the betta. Also, bettas from more trusted and established vendors may cost more.

Before buying a half sun betta fish, look around at prices online and in your area. 


Half sun bettas are somewhat rare compared to other types of betta fish. This is because, in many cases, these selectively bred bettas fail to show tail crowning. 

Also, certain colors of half sun bettas are more difficult to find than others. For example, black or white varieties are popular but quite rare. 

Half Sun Betta FAQs

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about this beautiful freshwater aquarium fish. 

What is a half sun betta?

A half sun betta is a betta variety created by breeding a halfmoon betta with a crowntail betta. 

This is a beautiful fish featuring a unique tail design. Its tail features the fan-like 180-degree spread of the halfmoon betta and the crowning of the crowntail betta.

Is breeding half sun bettas difficult?

Yes, it’s very difficult to breed half sun bettas. 

In most cases, the offspring of halfmoon and crowntail bettas do not show the desired tail crowning. The breeding pair and conditions must be perfect.

For this reason, it’s best not to breed your own half sun betta fish. Professional betta breeders have more experience and know what they’re doing. 

How long do half sun bettas live? 

On average, a half sun betta in captivity can live from 2 to 5 years. 

Proper care, stable water parameters, and an optimized aquarium environment can help your betta live longer.

Keep Your Half Sun Betta Happy & Healthy

It’s no wonder why half sun betta fish are considered to be among the most beautiful breeds of bettas. 

Give yours the best life possible with BettaFishBay.com. We provide useful care guides, product roundups, and more to help you provide your betta with everything it needs.

If you want to learn about all the types of betta fish, keep reading our article here.

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Wesley Oaks has a background in web publishing and decided to combine his skillset with his enjoyment of betta fish. When he isn’t working behind the scenes for Betta Fish Bay, he’s homeschooling his kids and soaking up quality family time.

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