54 Betta Fish Colors to Brighten Your Day

Betta fish are one of the most popular colorful aquarium pets on the market.

Still, many people don’t realize they can light up a room with their beautiful scales!

There are many betta fish colors to choose from because breeders have worked with them for so long.

If you’ve seen our article on types of betta fish, then you’re going to love this one dedicated to their colors too!

Basic Betta Fish Colors

1. Blue

blue betta fish colors

The blue betta fish has a classic but beautiful appearance.

Their scales vary in color, so they have lighter blue and near-violet shades.

They are extremely common and often called “blue wash” fish. Finding one without a speck of another color on it could take some doing.

2. Red

red betta fish

The red betta fish is stunning in its own right.

Red bettas are very bright in color, though they often have slightly paler shades at the ends of their fins and tail.

A betta of this color is easy to find at pet stores and breeders.

3. Turquoise

turquoise betta fish

Turquoise betta fish often appear with other colors mixed in.

But just like the blue and red betta fish types, they’re also widely available in a single-color form!

Don’t confuse the relatively common turquoise fish for mint or green bettas, which are harder to find.

4. Yellow

yellow betta fish

Despite being difficult to breed, yellow bettas are still one of the more common types.

They almost always have brown, red, or orange specks on their bodies.

But it only gives them more of a sunflower look, which I personally adore!

5. Orange

orange betta fish

Orange betta fish are much harder to come by than red, blue, or yellow ones.

It’s not one of those exceedingly rare betta fish types either, though. If you’re willing to compromise for a bi-colored betta fish, finding one with some orange isn’t hard.

6. White

white betta fish

Keeping a white betta is harder than finding one.

While they are not as abundant as blue or red varieties, white betta fish are available from plenty of breeders.

Unfortunately, they often turn blue or red naturally as they age, and there isn’t any way to prevent this.

Common Betta Colors

7. Blue & Red

blue and red betta fish

This is one of the most common combinations in bi-colored bettas.

Usually, you’ll see them with entirely blue bodies and mostly red fins and tails.

They come in a few different patterns, though. Visit pet stores fairly often, and you will surely see several of these guys.

8. Steel Blue

steel blue betta fish

Steel blue betta fish are much like the true variety but with a gray tone to their scales.

They are widely available but not as popular as the true or royal blue betta fish.

This is because so many prefer a betta with brighter blue coloring that really pops in the tank.

9. Black Lace

black lace betta fish

This betta has cellophane or other coloring in its tail and a mostly black body and fins.

While they aren’t one of the most prevalent betta types, black lace is more common than other black betta varieties.

They often come out of marble strains as happy accidents.

10. Mustard Gas

mustard gas betta fish

Mustard gas betta fish are relatively easy to come by.

They have a deep blue, sometimes nearly black body with yellow or orange tails and fins.

Generally, the blue or black of their body color appears at the edges of their fins.

There’s also a betta marketed as the paradise betta which is essentially a mustard gas betta with a certain striking appearance.

11. Pineapple

pineapple betta fish

The black coloring under their scales sets the pineapple betta fish apart from other yellow betta varieties.

The outline this black color creates gives this fish the pineapple vibes aquarists are so fond of.

Pineapple betta fish are not especially rare, but they are very popular! 

Rare Betta Colors

12. Melano Black

melano black

Melano black bettas exist because of a gene mutation and are super hard to breed.

Melano females cannot reproduce, making it nearly impossible for the recessive gene to be passed down.

So, melano betta fish will remain rare for a long time.

13. Purple

purple betta fish

Some collectors don’t even believe purple betta fish exist because they’re so rare.

Purple shows through in a lot of blue bettas’ faces or fins. But an all or mostly purple betta is exceedingly rare!

You’re much more likely to find a multi-colored betta with splashes of purple.

14. Green

green betta fish

Green betta fish are sparse but beautiful.

They have an emerald color to their body, fins, and tail. Like other solid colored betta fish, they are especially hard to find if you want them “pure.” 

They often have turquoise, blue, or black on their bodies.

15. Cellophane

Cellophane Betta fish

Cellophane betta fish are very different from white ones.

Their skin is not colored at all. It’s transparent!

The pink, fleshy color you see is their insides, which show through their skin. Their fins are similarly colored but without the pink showing through from underneath.

16. Albino 

albino betta fish

Albino betta fish are extremely rare, so some question whether they exist.

The easiest way to tell the difference between an albino betta and a cellophane one is eye color.

Albino fish have red eyes, whereas cellophane bettas have black eyes instead.

17. Chocolate

Chocolate Betta fish

The chocolate betta color is not officially recognized but is an accepted term among aquarists.

They’re called brown or orange bi-color betta fish since they are technically bi-colored.

These guys have a brown pigment to their scales, and a much paler orange, yellow, or cellophane-colored tail and fins.

18. Black Orchid

black orchid betta

The term black orchid betta refers to a betta with black and at least one vibrant color.

Blue and turquoise are the most common colors you will see, though. This fish has a colorful body and face, plus streaks of color in its tail.

The black on their fins, tail, and lower body gives them a unique beauty.

19. Mint

mint betta fish

Not to be confused with turquoise, the mint green betta is less common and lighter in color.

Some, but not all of them, have an iridescent appearance.

Much like their all-green counterparts, mint green betta fish have one of those especially rare, bold colors. They aren’t easy to find.

20. Apricot

apricot betta fish

Apricot betta fish are uniquely pretty.

They’re named for the pattern of reddish marks on their tails and fins, giving them a fruity appearance. 

Otherwise, this betta’s body is yellow-orange.

Their color tends to lighten some at the edges of their fins and tail, sometimes adopting a cellophane appearance.

21. Opaque/Pastel

pastel betta fish

This color isn’t so much a color as a presentation of color.

Pastel betta fish have paler colors thanks to a recessive gene giving their scales a white overtone.

Don’t mistake an unhealthy or stressed betta for a pastel one. A pastel or opaque betta’s color will be pale but not dull. 

22. Albimarginata

Albimarginata betta fish

More than a color, albimarginata betta fish have unique body shapes.

But their distinct color is what we’re interested in. They have an earthy green body, often with shades of brown, yellow, or even orange mixed in.

Their tails and fins have a line of black followed by a white “seam” at the very edge.

23. Macrostoma

macrostoma betta fish

Macrostoma betta fish are another entirely unique type of siamese fighting fish.

Their color is a deep orange that borders on red and almost appears to glow.

They have black stripes on their fins and tails and sometimes have spots or stripes near their heads.

Metallic Betta Colors

24. Metallic Black

metallic black betta

Because melano black betta fish females are infertile, breeders sometimes pair melano black males with iridescent female bettas carrying the same recessive gene.

While the hope is always to create more melanos, they often end up with iridescent black bettas.

Usually, there are hints of green or other colors in their bodies too.

25. Copper

copper betta fish color

The name copper betta fish is a bit misleading.

Copper bettas look like there are many more colors throughout their body than simply the standard copper shade.

They’re always shiny, though, and will at least have patches the color of a penny.

26. Red Copper

red copper betta fish

This betta usually has a copper body and a red tail.

You may find a fish with red in its body, but it’s highly unlikely.

The red copper betta also has a darker tone to its scales than the plain copper betta. You’ll sometimes even see patches of black.

27. Black Copper

black copper betta

Black copper siamese fighting fish are beautiful, though they lack the vibrant color betta splendens are known for.

They have the metallic gene, giving their copper base color a shine.

But the darker definition of their black coloring gives them a goth or emo-fish look. Personally, I love it!

28. Gold

gold betta fish (1)

Unlike the sunshine yellow in more common betta fish, gold bettas have a duller jewel tone to their bodies.

Meanwhile, their tails have a translucent yellow color.

Despite these dimmer shades, the metallic shine of a gold betta means it still competes with a sunny betta.

This beauty brightens up your aquarium!

29. Silver

silver betta fish

One more for the road? Silver betta fish are possibly the most metal of all fish.

Animal Crossing reference intended. But I also mean it!

They look so beautifully metallic thanks to their gray base color and highly iridescent scales.

Check out the darker color on their tails too.

30. Opal

opal betta fish

Another iridescent betta fish, this one is uniquely pretty. We’re calling it opal, but it is sometimes referred to as the pearl betta.

Opal betta fish are generally white but often appear to have light pink scales and fins.

This is because of their metallic scales and the varying layers of pigment in their bodies.

Common Betta Patterns

31. Bi-Color

bicolor betta fish

The name is a giveaway on this one. Bi-color refers to any betta fish with exactly two colors.

Some have two colors separated by a distinct line, such as the Cambodian betta. Others have a more chaotic appearance.

Breeding them is easy. Therefore, these guys are very common.

32. Multi-Color

multicolor betta fish

Another catch-all term for multi-color betta fish with more than two colors on their bodies.

Many marble betta fish are also considered multi-colored. 

These fish are not a hard type to find.

They’re always stunning whether they have a clashing variety of colors or simply different shades of one or two colors.

33. Butterfly

butterfly betta fish

Butterfly betta fish are mostly a bi-colored variety but occasionally single or multi-colored.

They can have any type of color pattern until you reach the tail.

Whatever their tail type, the color in their tail stops about halfway through or more. The rest of their tail is translucent!

34. Marble

marble betta fish

Marble betta fish is another common pattern with loads of color combinations.

What’s fun about marble bettas is they change color as they develop!

You’re likely to see their pattern change at least a few times over the course of their life. But they will always keep the marble appearance.

35. Dalmatian

dalmation betta fish

Dalmatian betta fish looks like their name sakes with their speckled bodies and tails.

Unlike the balanced bi-color marble betta, dalmatians have a base color for their body and smaller speckles of another color.

Commonly they come in white and blue. But the apricot betta we looked at earlier is another fun dalmatian.

36. Thai (Mascot)

thai mascot betta fish

Named for their resemblance to the Thai flag, these betta fish are multi-colored beauties.

While some call them mascot bettas, they are usually known as Thai or Thai flag betta fish.

They have red, white, and blue coloring, which is generally very vibrant and extends to the ends of their fins.

37. Wild-Type

wildtype betta fish

Wild-type betta fish have a murky blue body color and red fins. Their color sometimes 

Unlike the blue and red betta we know from captive breeding, wild types have blue in their fins and tails as well.

There is some genetic variation among these guys, but most have an iridescent look to their scales.

38. Full-Mask

Full Mask Betta

Full-mask betta fish do not have the darker head of your typical betta.

Instead, their iridescent coloring extends through their face, so their head looks just like the rest.

This is most common in blue and turquoise betta fish, but technically it can appear in any betta.

39. Half-Mask

half mask betta fish

Half-mask betta fish have some iridescent color on their face but also have black coloring beneath their mouth.

This gives them the appearance of wearing a partial mask, hence the name.

The half-mask pattern is another one most common in blue and turquoise betta fish. But it, too, appears in other bettas sometimes.

40. Dragon

dragon scale betta fish

The dragon or dragon scale betta has thick white scales on its body.

Usually, their tail is much darker in color, often a brick red or rusty orange color.

Dragon bettas are exceedingly popular and a relatively new variety that has come about due to selective breeding.

41. Alien

alien betta fish

Alien betta fish are usually blue or turquoise at their base.

Their pattern is somewhat disorienting at first glance. Their tail especially looks like an optical illusion.

Darker lines fan out on their tails and fins, and their scales have dark outlines. These traits are what give them such a distinct appearance.

42. Candy

candy betta fish

Candy betta fish look essentially like jawbreakers.

They have a messy, vibrant scheme of colors, often with patches of black and white.

Many of them are red, blue, and yellow. But some have pastel colors or bright orange instead of yellow.

There’s a lot of color variation in individuals with this pattern.

43. Nemo

nemo betta fish

These betta fish look shockingly similar to everyone’s favorite cartoon fish.

They have bright orange patches and black spots, which are the only components you need.

Some nemo bettas have patches of dark red or sunshine yellow.

Others have white scales and blue spots on some of their fins.

44. Solid

solid betta fish

Solid refers to any betta with only one color on its body and fins.

In truth, many solid color betta fish are extremely difficult to breed, making them even harder to find.

But blue, turquoise, and red solid bettas are infinitely easier to make.

So, I still consider solid color bettas a common pattern.

Rare Betta Patterns

45. Cambodian

Cambodian Betta

Cambodian betta fish used to be one of the most common, but now they’re one of the rarest colors.

This is because they took a dive in popularity, so sellers stopped breeding as many of them.

These guys have pale peach-colored bodies with red fins and often red-speckled faces.

46. Koi

Koi Betta

Koi betta fish are so named because they resemble the common koi fish. They also get labeled as calico betta fish.

They come in various colors, and their pattern is versatile. Sometimes they appear almost striped.

Other times half of their body will be a solid color, and the other half mixed with three colors.

These guys are uncommon and tend to be expensive.

47. Black Dragon

black dragon betta

Much less common than the typical dragon individual, black dragon betta fish have the same white scales. 

However, their tails and fins adopt a rick black color rather than a rusty shade of red.

They also tend to have black outlining their scales.

The special black and white betta is sought after but is pretty rare.

48. Golden Dragon

golden dragon betta

Possibly even rarer than the black dragon, golden dragon betta fish have a delicate beauty.

They have thick white scales (the key component of dragon bettas), but their tails are translucent gold.

However, I don’t think the golden dragon is the dragon in the fairytale. They look more like Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

49. Grizzle

grizzle betta fish

Subtlety is the key component for a grizzle betta.

They look like pretty paintings because their colors blend seamlessly together.

Some grizzle betta fish are simply two shades of the same color. Others have two or more different colors.

Regardless, the line between their colors is mostly undefined and subtle.

50. Piebald

piebald betta fish

Piebald betta fish have pale faces and heads, usually of the fleshy pink color we see in cellophane bettas.

Where many betta fish have darker faces than bodies, these fishies are just the opposite.

It’s not a common trait, but it does make for a novel and beautiful betta splenden.

Rare Pattern and Color Combinations

51. Butterfly Dragon

betterfly dragon betta

This is one of those incredibly rare but breathtaking betta varieties.

While you see the butterfly pattern in a huge range of colors, it’s still unique to see it paired with an already rare second pattern.

Still, I couldn’t help but add these beauties to the list. Their metallic scales combined with the butterfly tail and fins is … *chef’s kiss*

52. Purple Dragon

purple dragon betta

Purple is a striking color in bettas and nearly impossible to find, even for experienced betta keepers.

A purple dragon is even more coveted.

Like other dragon betta fish, they have thick metallic white scales. In the purple betta, the scales look more silvery than white, though.

53. Rainbow Grizzle

rainbow grizzle betta fish

Grizzle fish already look like literal works of art.

But a rainbow grizzle takes the look to another level.

Seeing all those colors come together in what looks like perfect brushstrokes is lovely!

Unfortunately, looking at pictures online is probably the closest you will ever get to one. They’re rarer than rare.

54. Bi-Color & Marble Cellophane

bi color cellophane betta

The cellophane betta is already one of the rarest. Finding one with another color is tricky.

Occasionally, a cellophane betta with black or blue markings will show up.

But they go fast and are expensive.

A Rainbow of Betta Fish

Now I bet you’re thinking: If only I could keep more than one betta…

But the beauty of all these betta fish is they bring a unique beauty to your aquarium.

Pick one you love and can find and afford. Personally, I’d spring for an apricot betta!

If you have friends who keep betta fish or want to, send them our list. I’ll bet they don’t know half of these fish exist!

Check out the other colors we’ve written on:

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Jacinta was raised on a dairy farm in Vermont where they worked extensively with cows, chickens, pigs, goats, and other animals. They have a background in writing both creatively and professionally.

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blue betta fish

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