Copper Betta Fish: Overview, Care & Behavior Guide

The Copper Betta is a visually stunning fish species. Its metallic and iridescent physical characteristics make it a favorite among fish keepers. 

This is a hybrid betta species, meaning breeders got it by crossing domesticated bettas with wild betta species. Some of these wild species include the following: 

  • Betta mahachaiensis
  • Betta smaragdina
  • Betta imbellis 

The variety we’re discussing today, Copper Plakat Betta, has been bred from Half Moon Bettas and Betta mahachaiensis. 

Years of cross-breeding have given the Copper Plakat Betta its gorgeous iridescent colorings. 


copper betta appearance

There are a few different Copper Betta varieties. Their appearance may vary from one variety to another. 

Most Copper Bettas possess metallic, iridescent scales. These scales give the betta a striking appearance, capturing many fish keepers’ hearts. 

In addition to copper, the most common colors for Copper Bettas include the following: 

  • Metallic blue
  • Steel blue
  • Turquoise 

These colors complement a copper-colored body for a gorgeous look. 

Many fish keepers compare Copper Bettas to Dragon Scale Bettas because they look quite alike. 

Other Varieties

Copper Bettas come in several different varieties depending on the breeding pair. These include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Purple Copper Betta
  • Rose Petal Copper Betta
  • Marble Betta
  • Koi Betta

Different varieties also display differences in tail and fin appearance. Here are some common tail shapes among Copper Bettas:

  • Crown Tail
  • Double Tail
  • Delta Tail
  • Round Tail
  • Spade Tail 

Another difference between the varieties is size. Certain Copper Betta variations tend to grow longer than others. For example, Double Tail bettas tend to be shorter than the Plakat variety. 

Unique Differences

One unique aspect of Copper Bettas is their wide range of varieties. 

Since this is a hybrid betta species, breeders have created numerous subsets of this species. 

Depending on the variety, Copper Bettas may have color, pattern, and tail shape differences. 

Additionally, some Copper Betta varieties may be larger or smaller in size. 


Copper Bettas typically live up to four years in captivity. 

They can live longer if you give them proper care. This includes ensuring optimal water quality, feeding them a proper diet, and providing a welcoming environment. 

Average Size

The typical length for copper bettas is 3″ inches long. 

Male bettas tend to grow larger than female bettas. They may exceed 3″ inches in some cases.

Copper Betta Fish Care

Keep these tips in mind to give your bettas the best possible life. 

Tank Size

The minimum tank size for a single copper betta is five gallons. However, experts recommend opting for 10 gallons since bettas prefer lots of space. 

If you plan to build a community tank, ensure your tank is large enough to keep all of your fish happy. For a sorority, a good tank size is about 30 gallons. 

Water Parameters

Keeping the tank water within optimal parameters is essential in maintaining your bettas’ health. 

The ideal water parameters are as follows:

Ideal Water Parameters for a Betta Fish Tank Include the following:

  • Temperature: 78-80° degrees Fahrenheit (25.5-27° C)
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Ammonia and Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Nitrate: < 40 ppm
  • gH: 3-4 dGH (50-66.7 ppm)
  • kH: 3-5 dKH (53.6-89.4 ppm)
  • Minimum Tank Size: 5 Gallons

Ensure the water temperatures remain warm enough to support your bettas. 78-80° degrees Fahrenheit (25.5-27° C) is the ideal temperature to aim for. 

Consider buying a water heater. This will ensure the water always remains within optimal parameters, making your job easier. 

What To Put In Their Tank

Copper Betta enjoy aquariums resembling their natural habitat. Here are a few things to consider including in your tank setup:


Add substrate or gravel to the bottom of the tank. It should be neutral, as bright colors stress out betta fish. 

Lots of Hiding Places

Copper Bettas thrive in environments with a variety of hiding spots. 

Betta fish are an aggressive species that need plenty of space and privacy. 

Placing some driftwood in the betta tank is a great option. The driftwood both offer hiding nooks and add tannins into the water. 

Another option is to buy some decorations and spread them throughout the tank. Opt for decorations with hidey-holes.

Also, avoid buying plastic decorations. These can have sharp edges which harm your bettas’ fins. Instead, buy decorations made from silicon, glass, or ceramics. 

Plenty of Plants

Betta fish are used to shallow waters, which have excellent plant density. 

There are several types of aquarium plants to include in your betta tank: 

  • Bushy plants
  • Broadleaf plants
  • Moss
  • Floating plants

A few popular options include Anachris, Amazon Sword, Java Fern, Java Moss, and Betta Bulbs. 

Ensure your Copper Bettas have plenty of plant cover without crowding the tank. 

Adequate Space

copper betta tank size

Since bettas are territorial and aggressive, they need plenty of space to swim and roam. 

A large enough tank is critical in creating a comfortable setup. 

For a single Copper Betta, the minimum tank size is five gallons. But experts recommend opting for a larger size of 10 gallons if possible. 

Additionally, ensure the tank is not overcrowded. A tank may become overcrowded with too many fish, plants, or decorations. 

Possible Diseases

Like other freshwater fish, Copper Bettas are prone to various diseases and parasitic infections

  • Dropsy
  • Swim bladder disease
  • Popeye
  • Ich
  • Flukes
  • Anchor worms
  • Betta fish lice

Keep your bettas healthy by ensuring optimal tank parameters at all times. 

Also, watch your bettas for any signs of illness. A few common symptoms of betta disease include the following: 

  • Flashing behavior
  • Aggression or stress
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite
  • Gasping for air at the top of the tank
  • Discoloration 
  • Damage to the tail, fins, or gills

If you notice any of these symptoms, take your bettas to be examined by a vet. They will diagnose properly and help you find the best treatment option. 

Compared to the standard betta, Copper bettas aren’t any more or less prone to disease, so just treat them like any other fish and keep the tank in clean, working order.

Food & Diet

Copper Bettas are a carnivorous species. This means they primarily eat meat and require a protein-rich diet. 

It’s best to feed your bettas a varied diet, including different types of betta food products: 

  • Live foods. This option provides ample nutrition while allowing your bettas to feed according to their natural instincts. It does tend to be pricier, though. Consider making this an occasional fixture in your bettas’ diet. Common live foods include bloodworms and insects.
  • Frozen foods. Buying frozen foods ensures you don’t have to handle live creatures for feeding time. This option still ensures good nutrition and is rather convenient. 
  • Freeze-dried foods. This option is affordable, high in nutrition, and easy to implement. It’s best to keep freeze-dried foods as an occasional staple. 
  • Pellets. Betta pellets are high in essential nutrients, including protein and fiber. They also make cleanup easier after feeding time and are very affordable. 
  • Flakes. This food type contains essential nutrients, but bettas seem to not like it as much as pellets. While this option is affordable and convenient, clean up after feeding may be more difficult. 

For additional information on your bettas’ optimal diet, visit our betta food guide

Behavior & Temperament

Like all bettas, Copper Betta can get a little aggressive, though they aren’t bad. The males tend to be more than the females.

This makes it critical not to house two male bettas together. They will end up fighting and attempting to kill each other.

These behaviors may result in one or more bettas dying. 

Female bettas are less aggressive than males. They can usually be kept together in a sorority tank without issues. 

Even in sororities, watch your bettas for any signs of aggression or bullying: 

  • Gill flaring
  • Flashing behavior
  • Fin injuries
  • Excessive hiding

If there is aggression between your bettas, consider housing them in separate tanks.

Tank Mates

Betta get a long with many fish, as long as the species isn’t too territorial. A few great options include the following: 

  • Bottom feeders (Pleco)
  • Algae eaters
  • Kuhli Loach

Of course, if you notice aggression issues, placing your betta in a separate tank is best. 


Like Betta splendens, Copper Bettas are bubble nesters.

This means the male betta builds a bubble nest to impress the female and keep the fertilized eggs safe. 

The Breeding Process

To initiate the breeding process, follow these steps: 

  1. Set up a dedicated breeding tank, preferably 10 or 15 gallons. 
  2. Place a clear barrier in the middle of the tank. 
  3. Set the female betta on one side of the tank. 
  4. Allow her to adjust to the new tank, then place the male betta on the other side of the divider. 
  5. Wait for the two bettas to become accustomed to each other.

The male betta will begin building a bubble nest to impress the female. If she is impressed, she will begin preparing to mate. 

Signs the female is ready to mate include the appearance of vertical stripes and her ovipositor spot becoming more prominent.

The Next Phase

The betta pair will engage in a mating or courtship dance. This involves the two bettas twisting around each other in various positions. 

The male aims to fertilize as many of her eggs as possible. He releases sperm over the eggs as the female releases them from her ovipositor spot. 

After the mating dance, remove the female betta from the tank.

The male will place the eggs in his bubble nest and become aggressive toward other fish. He will watch over them for the next two to three days until they hatch. 

We call the baby bettas “fry.” They are free-swimming, and the male does not take care of them. 


Copper Bettas are relatively inexpensive. The average price range is from $35 to $55.

You may pay more for Copper Bettas of a rarer variety or those with less common patterns. For example, purple Copper Bettas are rare and difficult to come across.

This means they generally cost more. 

Also, bettas from high-end breeders may cost more than those from lower-end fish breeders. 


copper betta rarity

Copper Bettas are generally considered a rare betta species.

Some variations of this breed are rarer than others, such as purple and rose petal varieties. Others, like the mustard gas variety, are very common. 

Bettas with more vibrant or unusual colors tend to be rarer and pricier than others. 

In Copper Bettas, other factors, such as patterns and tail shapes, also play a role in rarity. 

FAQ On Copper Betta

Still have questions about Copper Bettas? Here are answers to some of the most common questions on the topic. 

Are Copper Bettas rare?

In general, Copper Bettas are considered a rare species. But some variations of this species are rarer than others, such as the rose petal or purple variations

Are Copper Bettas aggressive?

Not particularly, though the male bettas will fight each other.

It’s essential not to house males together, as they will fight to the death. 

If you have a sorority or community tank, watch your bettas for any signs of aggression issues. If needed, house each betta separately in its own tank. 

One major factor to watch out for is in the size of the critters in the tank.

Betta tend to leave equal-sized or larger fish alone. So, if you’re using other fish, make sure they don’t get much smaller than the betta is.

What is the price of Copper Betta fish?

Copper Bettas range in price from about $35 to $55. 

Rarer varieties, such as the purple or rose petal bettas, tend to be much pricier than this. These are considered special colorings, increasing the value of the fish. 

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Wesley Oaks has a background in web publishing and decided to combine his skillset with his enjoyment of betta fish. When he isn’t working behind the scenes for Betta Fish Bay, he’s homeschooling his kids and soaking up quality family time.

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